C A I N - M A N I A !!!!!!

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Hi!! Welcome to our website..."Cain-Mania"!! We are glad you're here and hope you take a chance to look around. New things are always being added so browse around, and don't forget to sign our guest book! Thanks!!

January 22, 2005.....Can I tell you how much I hate snow!?!?!?! I'm sure the kids absolutely love it, but it really couldn't have come at a worse time. Well, I guess it could have, like early this coming week...but it's still such a pain! Pretty at first, but after that, forget it!!!

We will be out of touch for a little whie, but I'll do my best to keep family and friends updated on how things are going for us. We're so excited....I can't tell you how ready we are!!!

We hope that everyone is doing well and that you are each being richly blessed in this new year...


Stacy and Family

P.S. Please don't forget to sign our guestbook!!!!





Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those to whom you can give it easily, but also those who need it so much.

~ Daphine Rose Kingma

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Remembering the victims....9/11