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Presenting Princess Zoe

Hi!! My name is Zoe. I am 2 years old, and I live in New Jersey. I have 3 older brothers and a dog named Sierra. Here are some things I'd like to share with you...

Here's a picture of me, Mommy, and Daddy. We are sitting in the Senate House in Philadelphia, PA. Apparently this place used to be important....I guess i'll find out about that more later!!!

Me and the folks!

Me and Papa Mickey
This is me and my Papa Mickey. He came all the way from Florida to visit me! We had a great time and I can't wait to see him and Grandma again!!



Just my size.....

My Favorites
Food:  Just about anything, but Mommy calls me a "Carb Baby" because I love bread and butter!!!
Toy:  Baby dolls and jewelry
Activity: Having Daddy read the same book, over and over, and over!!! I also like to play in the water!
Cartoon: Spongebob and Elmo